Rautiperä Recreation Site
Ski Lodge
Etelänkylä, Rautiperä
Hiihtomajantie 94
Rautiperä's site is great for exercisers of all ages. The renewed bases of the trails give you the chance to move on the lit and well-marked trails, even with a child carriage. Please, take into account that the disc golf track also runs along the area and the track occasionally cuts through the trail. More warning signs will be added!
During summer, walking dogs on the trail are also allowed, as long as the pet(s) are attached and their waste is sought to the garbage immediately.
A grilling hut is located at the yard of the Ski Lodge and the lean-to next to the swimming pit. Firewood can be found near the hut from a wooden shed.
Winter Swimming
Eteläkylä Rautiperä, Hiihtomajantie 94
In proximity of the Ski Lodge
City Hall's info is open during business days at times 9-11 and 12-15, tel. +358-40-359 6000

Lit and marked routes are 1 km, 2.5 km, 4 km and 5 km. The lights work with sensors which turn the light on at twilight and turn off automatically at 22:00. Of the lavatories, the ladies side works with a timed lock and is usable by everyone at times 8:00-22:00.
ATTENTION! If the lights are not on and it's dark, the lights can be turned on at the Ski Lodge's push switch before 10 am.
During the winter season, the trail masters take care of the ski trails. For current information of the trails and other announcements can be found from Rautiperä Recreation Ground Facebook-page.
The signposts for the trails will be finalized in the summer of 2020. The target area's maintenance building, the hut as well as the shooting range and frisbee golf track were finished in 2018.
For maintenance and repair you can leave a maintenance request from the municipality's website
With other concerns contact the information desk Tel. +358 40 359 6000