Culture and leisure
Pyhäjoki Association Apartment
Vanhatie 80 C 3
86100 Pyhäjoki
Julius-Reservation System
Association Contacts
vapaa-aikatoimi [at] (Leisure Activity Director)
Tel. +358 40 359 6104
Helpful Links:
Nouseva Rannikkoseutu ry - Norsu
STEA - Sosiaali- ja terveysjärjestöjen avustuskeskus
Associations and Organizations
Pyhäjoki Leisure Activity Office shares annual exercise and youth activity aids as well as athlete's financial aids, which can be applied for annually by the end of April. Additional information and application forms can be found from the Financial Aids -menu.
Into the sidebar has been collected links that are useful for associations and organizations for supporting their development and applying for other financial aids. The Leisure Activity Director works as the association contact and Welcome to Pyhäjoki! -project's worker can be met every Wednesday at 9:30-12 at the town hall, 1st floor. Come and visit if you need, for example, information about the municipality's services and possibilities for exercising hobbies as well as association relevant matters.
Ylikiiskilä House
The Ylikiiskilä House maintained by the municipality can be reserved by all clubs, associations and organizations. The Apartment is located near the town center at the address Ylikiiskiläntie 7. The reservation can be made as a registered user of the Julius-reservation system. Keys and information about the house or its reservation from the Pyhäjoki Municipality Information Desk Tel. +358 40 359 6000 or info [at], address Kuntatie 1.
- Free for associations, clubs etc.
- Private use and companies 10 €/h for 1-5 h, maximum rent 70 €/day
Associations and Organizations in Pyhäjoki
Pensioner Union Pyhäjoki association
LC Pyhäjoki-Merijärvi
Liminkakylä Village Committee
Mannerheimin Lastensuojeluliiton Pyhäjoen yhdistys ry
Kaisa Salmivuori-Väänänen (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 086 7831
FB: MLL's Pyhäjoki Association
Merimaja's Renting
Hannu Anttila ( YppU Chairman) Tel. +358 40 058 6441
FB: Yppäri Merimaja
merimaja.yppu [at] (merimaja[dot]yppu[at]gmail[dot]com)
Parhalahti Village Association
toni.kippola [at] (Toni Kippola) (Chairman) Tel. +358 44 596 3054
kauko.kittila [at] (Kauko Kittilä) (Secretary) Tel. +358 40 079 7215
Parhalahti Hunters
Antti Paavola (Chairman) Tel. +358 44 567 0020
maurikvirkkunen [at] (Mauri Virkkunen) (Secretary) Tel. +358 40 183 0951
Parhalahti Gardening Association
Scout Troop Hanhikiven Kiertäjät
Pirttikoski Village Association
kari.kivimaki [at] (Kari Kivimäki) (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 018 1785
Tiina Tiirola (Secretary) Tel. +358 40 8317 829
Pirttikoski Countryside Women
Tarja Oravisjärvi Tel. +358 40 587 6723
Pirttikoski Hunting Association
Pyhäjoki frisbee -Association
Jukka-Pekka Hietala (Chairman)
Tel. +358 44 303 4244
pyhajoenfrisbeegolf [at] (pyhajoenfrisbeegolf[at]gmail[dot]com)
Pyhäjoki Joki-Kiekko ry
kati.ukonsaari [at] (Kati Ukonsaari) (Chairman) Tel. +358 50 523 3068
Pyhäjoen Fisher Association / Rod Fishing Section
Petteri Leppälä Tel. +358 40 058 9494
Fishing Permits:
Instructions for getting the fishing permits electrically (in Finnish)
Visit Pyhäjoki / Fishing
Pyhäjoen Homestead Association
paivi.pyhaluoto [at] (Päivi Pyhäluoto) (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 705 1582
Pyhäjoki Maritime Rescue Association
Tel. +358 40 038 3858
pyhajoki [at] (pyhajoki[at]messi[dot]meripelastus[dot]fi)
Pyhäjoki Hunting Association
raino.peltoniemi [at] (Raino Peltoniemi) (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 038 3858
Pyhäjoki Actors
Pyhäjoki Pauhu
Veli Nevala (Chairman) Tel. +358 45 632 1097
Pyhäjoki Hunting Association Tarmo
Ilkka Seppälä (Chairman) Tel. +358 400 280 506
Pyhäjoki Wirta
Pyhäjoki Entrepreneurs
Pyhäjoki MC ry
Olli Peltoniemi (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 844 3225
Antero Suni (Secretary) Tel. +358 40 557 8590
Motor Workshop Activity
Raahe Region's Carers and Close Relatives
Aarne Eskola (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 552 3331
Rannikon Venäjä-seura ry
juliapeltoniemi [at] (Julia Peltoniemi) (Chairman) Tel. +358 50 565 0295
FB: Coast's Russia-Association
Finnishn Red Cross - Pyhäjoki Section
Yppäri Wilderness Men
Ari Pirkola (Chairman) Tel. +358 400 283 579
Mika Haikola (Secretary) Tel. +358 40 743 5937
Yppäri Village Association
a.vuoti33 [at] (Anne Vuoti) (Secretary) Tel. +358 50 382 4139
Yppäri Agriculture and Household Women
Yppäri Athletes / Yppäri Merimaja Renting
Mikko Koskela (Chairman) Tel. +358 40 7337 6951
FB: Yppäri Athletes
FB: Yppäri Merimaja
merimaja.yppu [at] (merimaja[dot]yppu[at]gmail[dot]com)