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Indoor Ice Rink - Jäähalli

Pyhäjoki Indoor Ice Rink was completed in 2002, the estate owner and manager is Pyhäjoen Jäähalli Oy. The Ice Rink is open from August-September until April.

The indoor ice rink is located at Kielosaari Exercise Park at adress Ruukintie 42B.
Pyhäjoki offers free shifts for citizens. Shifts can be found for primary, upper comprehensive schoolers as well as families, with or without hockey sticks.

Indoor Ice Rink home site

Ruukintie 42 B
Tel. +358 44 297 8866
toimisto [at] pyhajoenjaahalli.FI
Indoor Ice Rink reservations

Additional Information

Pyhäjoki Joki-Hockey
FB: Pyhäjoki Joki-Hockey
Leijona-Hockey School