Culture and leisure
Nasta (Raahe)
Youth Advisory Service
Laivurinkatu 11 B 2
92100 Raahe
nasta [at]
Tel. +358 44 439 3346
Nasta (Pyhäjoki)
Youth Advisory Point
Kuntatie 1, 2. krs
86100 Pyhäjoki
Tel. +358 40 359 6104
Youth Advisory
Advice Service Nasta for the Youth
Nasta is Raahe's sub-regions Advisory Service Project, which is aimed primarily for the ages 15-25.
The Leisure Activity Office of Pyhäjoki is a part of the sub-regional Nasta-Project. Nasta's main point is located in Raahe in Youth Cafe Cup. In Pyhäjoki, the information point is in the Youth Room Kahaveli on the upper floor of the old fire station. The information point can be visited during the opening times of the Youth Room.
From Nasta, you can ask for information and advice related to youth's life, for example living alone, studies, working life, economics, health, hobbies and international possibilities.